April 20, 2011

Changing things up!!

I've decided to change my company name! I dropped Designs and took on Boutique! My wonderful friend Alyson Hall helped create my new logo! I even found a website to print off fabric labels to add to all my creations! I'm excited!! Hope you love the new look as much as me!

April 5, 2011

Question and any suggestion!

So today on facebook I asked if anyone has a child who takes on an alter ego when they get to wear anything new......

In our home Bailey is our culprit. She is a very energetic, fun loving little girl. BUT!! When she gets her hands on anything new she turns in to an out of control, hyper, snotty, disobedient little girl!!! There is no exaggerating here! Today for example she got to wear a new headband to school.

This one to be exact!

Once placed on her sweet little head she turned into her alter ego!!! She was attacking Cole, jumping around all the furniture, trying to kick Bridger (who is 15 mo.) while strapped in his highchair....she was seriously out of control would not listen to a word I was saying. Finally she had to sit in time out till her friend came to pick her up. What I should have done is ripped the stupid thing of her head and snapped it in half!

So I ask the blogging world....do you have a child who acts out like this & if so what do you do to curb the behavior? I'd love to hear any suggestions. I want her to have new things but not if she is going to continue to act like a spoiled brat!