August 23, 2010

Hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

August 19, 2010

A thank you for everything I hold dear!

I was reading one of my friends post and she was expressing her thanks for her loved ones....It got me thinking that I don't do that here is my Thank You!

With out my sweet husband my life would not complete. He makes everything so wonderful. I can't ever imagine not being his eternal wife! He works so hard and never complains, the kids and I always have what we need. He is a wonderful father and husband. Thank you honey!!

Oh Bailey you warm my heart and make life so much more fun! You are such a great big sister!! You are always looking out for your brothers and make sure they have everything they need. You love to sing, dance, and are a ball full of energy! Thank you for being you!

Cole you are such a cut up! You love truck, tractors, and trailer....but have no problem joining sissy in dress-up, dolls, and what ever else she is interested in! I love you for that!!! You make me laugh and scream at the same time but thats what 2 yr. olds do!! I love that you pronounce Spiderman as "Wykaman" make me and dad giggle....Thank you honey!

Bridger "little man"....You are my happy boy! I love that you love sleep!!! You are learning to sit up by yourself and army crawl all over the house....makes me wonder if your going to be an early walker....not sure how I feel about that! You love cuddling with you. You light up every time you see Bailey and Cole, which makes me happy :) I can't imagine our family without you....Thank you for being a wonderful baby boy!

My life would not be the same with out those of you who have helped, loved, and nurtured me and my family and for that I'm eternally grateful! I am thankful for a home, and a working vehicle, food, my husbands job and willingness to work a 2nd, so that I can stay home with our children and raise them. So many go with out and I can't help be feel lucky to have what I do and I need to be more mindful of whats most important in ones life....which is family! I could go on and on......I love who I have become and I love what I have to look forward too. I pray that my family can be blessed on our journey through this life, Eternity is a wonderful thing to look forward too! Thank you family!!!!

August 6, 2010

Apparently I can't enough of this pattern!!!!
I'm hoping to be apart of a fall Boutique this year,
I would love to make more of these to sell!

Don't you just love them?? :)

August 5, 2010

Did I mention I'm addicted to my sewing machine!!

Here is another pattern that I have found and fallen completely in love with!!

This hat was made with love for my sweet niece Jayne...can't wait to see her and take pictures!