December 27, 2011

New Christmas jammies!! They look so cute! Christmas was a blast! 
(sorry for the unediting....I'm between programs right now)

I must tell about my new boots!! I have wanted these for 2 years!! I finally gave in and bought them for myself and can I just say WOW!!! I'm in total love with them!! Thank you Fergie for making this wonderful boot!!! As for the rest of Christmas I will get around to posting pics....until then enjoy the boots! :)

September 3, 2011

We did family pictures this summer and they turned out amazing! My ever talented nephew Lincoln was our photographer he's 15 and has a talent I've never seen before! He took over 177 pictures and I can't wait to see them ALL! Here is one of my favorites!! On the side bar I updated the kids pictures and our other pic! I can't wait to start ordering prints!


August 4, 2011

Nap Sac's for two cute girls!!

We are headed to Bear Lake for the Annual Wade family reunion. I thought it would be really fun to make matching nap sacs for Bailey and her cousin Brylee! Plus it gave me an excuse to try out this fun idea I found online!! I added the custom name tags so there was no confusion on which is which! Cole is now begging me to make him a camo one!! I guess I'm never really done sewing! Which is fine by me!!

The name tags are printed on printable fabric. Easy to use and one of my new favorite things!

The cording is knotted through metal grommets, I love that they wont wear out! Over all I loved make these and hope to make more!!! I hope the girls love them as much as I do!!

July 19, 2011

I totally feel like this more than once a week!!! Ok maybe 5 days out of the week! I love this and am seriously considering framing it!!

April 20, 2011

Changing things up!!

I've decided to change my company name! I dropped Designs and took on Boutique! My wonderful friend Alyson Hall helped create my new logo! I even found a website to print off fabric labels to add to all my creations! I'm excited!! Hope you love the new look as much as me!

April 5, 2011

Question and any suggestion!

So today on facebook I asked if anyone has a child who takes on an alter ego when they get to wear anything new......

In our home Bailey is our culprit. She is a very energetic, fun loving little girl. BUT!! When she gets her hands on anything new she turns in to an out of control, hyper, snotty, disobedient little girl!!! There is no exaggerating here! Today for example she got to wear a new headband to school.

This one to be exact!

Once placed on her sweet little head she turned into her alter ego!!! She was attacking Cole, jumping around all the furniture, trying to kick Bridger (who is 15 mo.) while strapped in his highchair....she was seriously out of control would not listen to a word I was saying. Finally she had to sit in time out till her friend came to pick her up. What I should have done is ripped the stupid thing of her head and snapped it in half!

So I ask the blogging you have a child who acts out like this & if so what do you do to curb the behavior? I'd love to hear any suggestions. I want her to have new things but not if she is going to continue to act like a spoiled brat!

March 11, 2011

Looking super cute while saving money!!!!

My new coupon holder!
I'm completely in love with how it turned out!

Don't you love how fun the material is?!
There are 8 dividers and all the tabs are printed on printable fabric.

So much cuter in person!!!!!

February 15, 2011

Love love this book!
Safe Haven by: Nicholas Sparks

This was such a wonderful book! I loved the plot, and how he worked all the details and the captivating drama! This has to be my favorite of his books....I highly recommend you read this one! I would love to see a movie made....I think it would rank up there with The Notebook.

February 9, 2011

My latest bag!
Don't you just love how large it is!
The shape is so fun for Spring & Summer!
The apple green color is to die for.....

It's amazing how much cute stuff you can fit in this bag!

metal grommets and wood bead make the perfect embellishments!

Oooooh I love it! To bad I'm not keeping it! Its selling for $45.

January 22, 2011

My one and only Valentines Day decoration!
Every year I tell myself I'm going to buy a few decorations, and every year I don't! So I finally put my thinking cap on and decided to make something fun and cute. I found the table runner idea online and made a few changes.....I think this looks so cute on my table!

I started with 30 different sized circles! My hands were really feeling it!

After hours of sewing you end up with this
cute non-traditional table runner!

Finally I have a valentines decoration!!!

January 15, 2011

This cute little boy turned 1 today!!!!
Happy Birthday Bridger!!!
Love you so much!!!

Enjoying French toast for breakfast. More pictures to come!

January 11, 2011

Christmas Morning!!!!!!!!!!!

Bailey got her first big girl bike!!! and I look HUGE in satin jammies....I don't think I'll wear those in pictures again.....

Cole wanted trucks & trackers from santa soooo bad! He was one happy boy!

Bridger got a ball popper! It's pretty cool and the other kids loved it to!

I cheated i posted a picture of me all done up for the day! I got lots of clothes and beautiful jewelry from Santa! Oh and cute winter/snow boots!

Jason was spoiled by Mrs. clause! These are his boots that were desperately needed! He later told me he was hoping they would be under the tree! he also got clothes and a nerf gun to terrorize me and the kids!

It was a wonderful day and a great weekend! I love spending time with family!!! I can't wait till next year!

The Nativity!

My mother in-law enjoys a good performance! She had all of us dress up and we performed the Nativity. Bailey and I were Angels, Cole was a Wise man, Bridger was a sheep, and Jason was a shepherd. Its not Christmas till you rein act the Nativity!

Jason & Bridger waiting for there que!


Bailey had her first dance recital!! It was so cute to see her on was an outside performance and it was FREEZING! She actually performed and wanted to do it again! I was a very proud mother!! She has such a natural talent for dancing and singing....I wish I did!

After the recital we went to see Santa! The kids were so so about him....Bridger slept in the stroller and Cole scremed once he caught sight of him, Bailey was very stand-offish! But once the handed out candy canes the kids perked right up!

Halloween 2010

Since the marathon was in Provo we stayed the weekend with my parents and Trick or treated with them and my sisters family! It was so much fun! The kids got soooo much candy!

I have to say this is the cutest pumpkin I've ever seen!!!! He actually wore the hat and shoes the entire time we were out!!

Bailey was Tinkerbell! She loved her costume and still wears it!! You can't see her shoes but the are jelly shoes that light up when she walks! They look like Tinkerbell's shoes! That was a favorite!

As you can see Cole hated his costume and really did not want to put it on! Once we told him NO candy unless you wear it, he complied and loved it once he started seeing the candy pour in! Daddy was thrilled to see all the candy come our way! We all have serious sweet tooth's!

I literally wanted to die when the night was over! I walked several more miles on top of my half marathon....Happy Family!

I'm so behind in life!!!

so lets start this off with my marathon!

(I'm in all black)
I ran 13.1 miles in 2.28 hours! I don't care that it took me that long, all I wanted to do was finish and run the whole way which I did!!! :)
The Marathon was on halloween and it was a blast. I wish I would have worn short sleeves or capri pants I got so hot! It started out freezing but warmed up. I loved the feeling when I hit the finish-line, it was a priceless moment in my life and I can't wait to do it again!

if you look under the finish line you can see my time posted!

I could barley walk or stand...I got my medal and hobbled over to my family. I look all sorts of rough!! I should have ditched my fleece vest it made me 10 times hotter! But in this picture it makes me look 10 times fatter!

Over all I loved the half marathon and I totally plan on doing another one!